

Another school thing.
We had to create something with a t-shirt.
The concept is that power eats you or
"losgeslagen macht verzwelgt je"
Sounds way lame in English haha.
So well, tada. Pretty happy with the end result.
And thanks to my babe for the photographs.
Yhea, and the best picture is pretty small. Sorry guys.
You're just not gonna see more of that haha


Sweet Iris

Sweet Iris from Kayleigh S.

This is a movie Kayleigh made for school. I like the dreamy soundtrack. But dislike the fonts at the ending titles hehehe.. She made it for her Adobe Premiere practicum.

She is too busy shredding a tee, so that's why I am posting this.



I love you bebe


What the hell did I think about before you

Maybe a bit late but Happy New Year all!
The two top pictures are from my new years eve.
My babe and I went to Berlin was lots of fun and relaxing!
Might make a post of it later...
I love it how happy Timo looks in the second picture haha

Below a bracelet I made for school quite a while ago.
It's a crappy photograph and the upper knot is twisted.
Really need to photograph a lot of school stuff soon.
I also made the shirt I'm wearing,
you can't really see it either though..

Oh and I forgot something!
I was in the in your face section of Blend magazine.
Nice surprise!